So Tony, I agree with you. The Man Child is the Overcomers. My spirit bears witness to this fact! My question then , who is the two Witnesses? Some think they are the 144K coming back after going t Heaven for training to lead the final Harvest?

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Hey Robert. I think they are literally two prophets. I see the man-child as the first fruits of the resurrection/changing, so I don't see them dying at all, but walking in the authority of others who walked in the man-child authority and power. At this point, I'm looking for two literal prophets who will literally die. I always reserve the right to be wrong of course :) You know how this endtime prophecy stuff goes. But at present that's what I think. I'm going to produce a number of videos and articles devoted just to the man-child soon. Lastly, yes, I believe the man-child goes to heaven and comes back to help lead, feed and conquer.

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Tony, I have compiled a paper on the "Revelation of Jesus" from a Servant's point of view (the audience of the entire book according to ch 1.). It covers the 144K Servants, recipient of the little book from rev 10, 2 witnesses and manchild. its too big to post here. In \His service - Robert

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Howdy, I'd love to take a look at it. Why don't you send it to me via email.

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I sent you an email. not sure it went through. How can I attach the pdf here?

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do you have a Gmail account AI can send to : substack responded And said it did not go through!

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ok, let me figure out how to create a PDF and i'll be glad to send it to you! In His Service - Bro. Robert

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